Protecting Women and Girls
with Disability
By Broderick and Innes
Updated Wed 27 Nov 2013, 8:58am AEDT
Australian women and girls with disabilities are twice as
likely as women and girls without disabilities to experience violence
throughout their lives, yet this has remained largely outside public debate,
write Elizabeth Broderick and Graeme Innes.
you talking about rape? I've been raped many times. You just have to get used
to it."
that your daughter, sister, mother, wife, girlfriend or female friend had the
grave misfortune to have this happen to her - and that this statement, thick
with defeat and resignation, was her response to such a gross perpetration of
violence against her.
imagine she is in a care facility because she is a woman with a disability - a
woman with an intellectual disability or a mental illness, a woman with a
disability that severely limits her motor and speech abilities, or a woman with
a disability that causes her to remain in bed - you can come up with other
examples of women you may know.
tragic thing is that this statement is real. It was spoken by a woman with a
disability during a consultation conducted as part of research undertaken by
the University of Western Sydney.
are trying to complete a picture for you here - and it is a horrifying one.
is also one that is far too common in our community and one that continues to
be discretely swept under the carpet - as it has been for far, far too long.
research from the University of New South Wales has found that Australian women
and girls with disabilities are twice as likely as women and girls without
disabilities to experience violence throughout their lives.
put this further in perspective, women and girls with disabilities represent
one in five of Australia's female population and not only experience violence
at significantly higher rates, but more frequently, for longer, in more ways
and by more perpetrators.
years ago, Melbourne's Herald Sun reported that records showed between January
2009 and July 2011 more than two Department of Health Services clients were
attacked every day on average, with almost 1800 assaults, sex attacks or rape
allegations reported in the 30 months to July 2011. In more than 500 of these
cases, approximately 28 per cent, state-appointed staff and carers were
an observation that is true across our entire country, the Victorian Public
Advocate noted, "For too long, alleged violence has been wrongly described
as 'incidents' requiring internal management rather than being named and dealt
with as alleged crimes."
is a shameful reality that Australian women and girls with disabilities
experience high levels of domestic and family violence and sexual assault, and
have high unmet needs in terms of access to domestic violence, sexual assault
and related community services.
the story of Rosa, recounted by Intellectual Disability Right's Services in
their 2008 Enabling Justice Report. Rosa is a 50 year-old woman with cerebral
palsy and intellectual disability who has little speech and communicates using
some words and gestures, When she told a support worker that another support
worker raped her, police and Rosa's parents were called. Using words and
gestures, she told the police she wanted to provide evidence and proceed with
charges against the support worker. However, when the police sought consent,
Rosa's parents declined a police interview or a medical examination to obtain
evidence of the rape. She did eventually manage to receive support from an
advocate, but by that time it was too late to obtain medical evidence and the
investigation was dropped.
story goes to the additional complication survivors of violence can face in
trying to access justice.
for a moment, imagine yourself in that situation. What would you do?
other cases, we heard of women in institutionalised care being effectively
prostituted - shut in rooms and forced to service fellow men in care, often
being paid, as it was described, with "a smoke for a poke".
over-arching point here is that, instead of being viewed as a critical priority
for national action, violence against women and girls with disabilities has
remained largely outside public debate, social policy discussions and service
system reform processes.
must change.
the Australian Human Rights Commission, we are already involved with important
initiatives like the Stop the Violence Project which aims to provide better policies
and practices to improve the way government and service providers respond to
and prevent violence against women and girls with disability.
International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women is the perfect
opportunity for us all to lend our voices to these women and shine a floodlight
on their often overlooked experiences - to start taking whatever steps we can
to ensure that women and girls with disability can enjoy what, after all, is
their fundamental human right of freedom from violence, exploitation and abuse.
Elizabeth Broderick is Australia's Sex Discrimination
Commissioner and Graeme Innes is Australia's Disability Discrimination
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