
Saturday, 4 January 2014

Children with Visual Impairment needs Special Attention of Govt.

Children with Visual Impairment needs Special Attention of Govt.

The 4th January has a great importance in the life of every individual who is suffering absence of sight. This is celebrated as a Birth Anniversary of Louis Braille throughout the whole world. Today is the 205th Birth Anniversary of Louis Braille.

Louis Braille is considered as the Father of Modern and in – practice Braille Script. In the modern and fastest growing world of technology and tools, a person suffering from absence of sight may have the information from computerized and talking devices. But still there is a great importance of Braille, which is considered as the Gate of Information for Persons with Visual Impairment.

What is Braille Script?

Braille is a tactile approach to reading and writing. The basic of Braille symbol is called the Braille Cell. It consist of six dots arranged in the formation of a rectangle, three dots high and  two dots wide or arranged in two columns and three rows. Each dot has a assigned number between one and six.

Braille is a system of embossed “sings” which are formed by using combinations of six dots arranged and numbered thus:
                        1 O O 4
2 O O 5
                     3 O O 6

These cells can be arranged in 63 combinations each representing a different character as illustrated in the Standard English Braille Chart.

The beauty of Braille is that it is based on phonetics. Thus be it any language, Hindi, Japanese, German or Chinese, or any other Indian languages the same sounding letters will have the same Braille sing. For example, “ba” in Hindi has the same dot as “b” in English.

Ignorance of Society

The basic human society develops with the fact that they interact with each other. This interaction with other fellow beings helps to integrate and develop a relation which then creates a society full of relations and affection. But in these societies, those who have weak interactivity or who face problem to interact with other people remain behind and are neglected and thus have a less affectionate community.

Among these stand the disabled persons as they have less mobility and interaction in the society growth thus they remain neglected and during the development of the societies they remain unseen.

This ignorance, start from the home itself and right from the mother’s lap. Most of the people will say the mother cannot be biased, but as the matter of fact it is true. When there is a disabled child the parents start to think differently for his future as compare to the non-disabled child, because they think this child needs extra care and support from them.

There is a strange phenomenon with many special needs parents. That phenomenon is an overwhelming sense of guilt for things that are quite often, outside of our control. 

Educational Situation of Children with Visual Impairment in Chhattisgarh:

If we talk about the education of CWVI in Chhattisgarh, there are seven Special school (naming Raipur, Bilaspur, Jagdalpur, Dhamtari, Kabirdham, Jashpur, Dantewada and Kanker) run by social welfare department in the whole state where they can study.

Under the so talked “Inclusive Education” of Rajiv Gandhi Shiksha Mission, as per UDISE data, 2012-13 which capture data from class 1 to 8 there have been 299 and 2842 students respectively Absence of Sight and Low Vision.

While as per tentative data of Rashtriya Madyamik Shiksha Abhiyan (RMSA) in session 2012-13 only 164 and 1558 students respectively absence of sight and Low Vision are enrolled for secondary and upper secondary.

There is lack of Specialized Teacher in Visual Impairment in State to teach them. Among 177 Mobile Resource Advisor (MRA) in Chhattisgarh only 20-30 are specialized in Visual Impairment.

 As per the norms there Teacher Pupil Ratio should be 1: 8 in elementary level and 1: 12 in Secondary level. It is a matter of surprise that under RMSA there is no any such teacher appointed till now.
On the other hand when we talk about the essential resource which is book either Braille book or large print book. The State authority does not provide the large print book while in case of Braille book; the Braille press which is situated at Bilaspur is so old that in two months there could be production of just five sets for each class in secondary level.   So just for the 164 students of secondary level, this press will take about 3 years of time.

Acts and Policy:

As Disability is a subject which is placed in the state list, but no any state in India have a separate or specific Act for the Persons with Disabilities. So the acts which have been incated time to time by the Govt. of India, which is currently four in number, are also applicable in State. The Chhattisgarh State was first state in India, which has constituted a expert group of expert to frame a separate Comprehensive Disability Policy for Chhattisgarh in September, 2004. The framework has been developed under lead role of Shodhana Consultancy, Pune and SENSE international (India) Ahmadabad.   But it is a matter of sorrow that till today the framework is in the lane of ministries and secretariat for the approval and its implementation.

As per the policy framework there is about 5% of the total state population as the differently abled, which are 10-15 % as per WHO and other international agencies.

One can easily understand the priority and vision of the Govt. and its officials for the betterment and up-liftment Differently Abled persons and their issues. 

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